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As mentioned in the home page, at AmTheNa Lab we work both on fundamental problems related with MRI contrast agents, MH effectors and drug delivery systems, and on more applied biomedical problems. You can find more about our efforts in these fields below.

Fundamental research

Part of our work is devoted to the design, preparation and characterisation of magnetic and paramagnetic probes with improved performance in MRI and MH:


  • The field of multimodal imaging is one of the areas in which we are currently working. In recent years we have been particularly active in the field of dual T1-T2 MRI contrast agents, trying to understand how a paramagnetic moiety and a magnetic probe interact, and trying to predict the effect of this interaction in the final MR performance.

  • Other area in which we have a deep interest is on the development of responsive systems. The idea here is to design and prepare probes able to modify their behaviour in response to a stimulus. Some of the stimulus we are working with are internal, such as the pH or redox potential inside a particular tissue, while others can be controlled externally, for example through the generation of an alternating magnetic field. Our final goal is to be able to design systems with increased specificity, reduced toxicity, and on-demand control.

  • The design and characterisation of nanocomposites is another area of interest of the group. The combination of different materials into a single entity enable a better control of such systems. For example, the combination of imaging probes and drug delivery systems can enable a real-time monitoring of the therapeutic process.

  • The generation of heat, the characterisation of this heat at the nanoscale, and the application of this heat as a switch or stimuli to trigger another process is another area of active research in the group.

  • We are also focused on developing and validating different in vitro systems (in-flow, 3D...) to test all of our developments.


On these more fundamental projects we work beginning from the Material Science aspect, moving through the Physical Chemistry characterisation, and finishing on Organic Chemistry approaches to functionalise the nanostructures with bespoke molecules.

Applied research
  • In many of our research projects the final goal is to fight against cancer. We do that in two ways, first we design high performance MRI contrast agents (classic and/or responsive) to improve the diagnostic process of solid tumours. An increase in the performance of the contrast agents means an earlier (and easier) detection of tumours. Tumours diagnosed at an early stage (regardless of the type) present a better prognosis than those detected at later stages. On a related field, we work on the development of drug delivery systems with added capabilities to attack tumours preserving healthy tissues. Finally the combination of both diagnosis and treatment in a single probe (theranosis), as mentioned above, can bring further hope in the fight against cancer.

  • Another expanding branch of the group focuses on the development of new concepts in the field of immunomodulation. For the time being, we focus on the use of small molecules, mainly in the areas of cancer and transplantation, to help the immune system fight the disease.​

  • Neurodegenerative diseases are other of the focus of the group. MRI is a technique perfectly suited for the study of the brain and its diseases as it is a non-invasive procedure and can image soft tissues underneath bone. In this field we are involved in a large international consortium to develop a theranostic (therapy plus diagnosis) solution for neurodegenerative diseases, in particular against Alzheimer´s disease.




This part of our research involves the same know-how as the previous one (Materials Science, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry), but it now requires a much more biological approach, with knowledge on Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Immunology, Animal Physiology… Overall a multidisciplinary team (either in-house or through collaborations) is required to develop all the projects we are involved in.

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For more in-depth information about our research, please take a look at our ongoing projects within the PROJECTS tab

© 2017 Lorena García-Hevia y Juan Gallo.

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